LG024 Loco Detail Drawings 2
Four drawings, two of which show enlarged details of fittings common to many classes of engines. These items are identified on the individual engine drawings by numbers in circles. The first two drawings cover Nos. (61) Smokebox door D13-16, B12, N7; (62) Smokebox door J17-20; (63) Smokebox door F4-6, J65-69, Y4, G4; (64) Smokebox door E4, F3, J14, J15; (65) N7 snifting valve; (66) GER vacuum exhaust elbow; (67) Clips for smokebox doors; and (68) to (76) Chimneys and domes.
A third drawing shows engine numerals and number plates, and the fourth gives details of the GER Schmidt and Robinson superheater gear. All are accompanied by notes. One scale only.
See LG023 for more loco details and LG029 for tender details.
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Also available on paper | L49, L52, L53 & L54 |
Also part of CD/DVD bundle | JG.CD |
Pages | 9 |
File Size (MB) | 0.8 |
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