Welcome to the GERS Files Emporium
Quick guide for the impatient! : Browse our products using the menu of categories on the left, or search using the box above. KEEP THE SEARCH SIMPLE- look for just Dereham rather than Dereham Norfolk or Dereham station, and for Journal 82 rather than GERS Journal No. 82. PLEASE READ THESE TIPS BEFORE SEARCHING: Tips for Searching
To see the most recent additions to our catalogue plus a selection of popular items, click here. We realise that the GER and East Anglia may not be your main interests. We thought it might be helpful, therefore, to compile a list of the main files whose subject matter extends beyond our immediate area. To see that list, please click pdf HERE (461 KB) .
The Files Emporium allows you to order and pay for selected items in the form of PDF files and in most cases download them directly. The Emporium stocks files of all printed items from the Sales List, plus many extra files. Our expanding collection of 'off-the-shelf' software CDs and DVDs can also be ordered here for postal delivery. Payment is via PayPal or via Nochex (for purchases of £1 and above). With Paypal, you can pay by credit or debit card as well as from a Paypal account, but if the card option is not offered, then retry using Nochex.
For detailed instructions on browsing and searching the Files Emporium and for using the Shopping Cart, click here. If this is your first time here, please read the Introduction to the Files Emporium. The Files Emporium only provides products in electronic format. If you want products delivered in traditional paper format, please go here. GERS members who already have a Username & Password for the Members' Area should use this when paying for items. This avoids having to enter your details at checkout.
Please note that all files are copyright of the GERS and are for your personal use only. No file may be distributed to other parties or published without our explicit permission. Our Terms of Service are here.
We strongly recommend that you only place orders for downloadable files using a computer where you can immediately download those purchased files. Your phone or tablet (eg iPad) may not be suitable for this purpose. Also, we strongly recommend that you do not use any add-on 'Download Managers' when downloading files as many are incompatible with this website.