NW1-140.DL: Great Eastern News 1 to 140 as a Download.
MEMBERS ONLY. Great Eastern News Nos. 1 to 140, from November 1973 to Autumn 2009. Issues 1 to 102 have been scanned from the best available printed copies, then optical character recognition (OCR) software has been applied. From 103 onwards the files have been supplied by our printer and are derived from the ones used to produce the original News. There is a facility by which you can perform one rapid word search of them all.
This page will lead you to a download of all the files. They are also available on a CD, which you will find HERE. The price is the same whichever you choose, though the CD will also incur an extra payment towards post and packing and of course you will have to wait for it until the mail arrives.
If you decide you wish to purchase the download, this is where you place your order. Because the GE News is restricted to members only, we must first check that you are indeed a Society member then a link to start the download will be sent to you by email. This will happen within 24 hours at the most, but usually we will be able to do it much sooner than that.
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