For enthusiasts, researchers and modellers of the Great Eastern Railway

RC012 GER Pay and Conditions 1891-1915

  • RC012 GER Pay and Conditions 1891-1915

There is a four-page essay on the topic, supported by three original documents: (1) A short summary of the matters relevant to the GER from the Parliamentary Committee report of 1891 - 'Railway Servants' Hours of Labour'. This document contains a wealth of detail about employee benefits, hours worked and rosters for operational staff. (2) The Wages and Hours Arbitration Award of 1909 for the GER and its employees which gives details of hours and wages for staff in the Superintendent's Department, Locomotive Department and Way and Works Department. (3) 'GER Regulations as to Seniority, Promotion, Time, Wages, etc. of Engine-cleaners and Enginemen employed by this Company' operative from 11th December 1915.

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