For enthusiasts, researchers and modellers of the Great Eastern Railway

Existing Members

GERS members are encouraged to use the Update Form to tell us about any changes to your address, telephone number or e-mail address.

Members are encouraged to register on this website in order to access the Members' area of the site. To do this, go here. In the Members' area you can find details of how to join our active 'e-group' which is an e-mail discussion group.

Renewing your subscription


Subscriptions are due on 1st April each year. This entitles you to 4 issues of the Journal and News. There are several ways to pay for your subscription renewal:-

  1. Standing Orders are an efficient method to ensure you don't forget to renew your membership and they also significantly ease the work of the Membership Secretary and Treasurer. A form for setting up a Standing Order is here: standing_order_2024.pdf. Send this to your bank, but it can help the society if you let us know you have done this by using this form. (Please note, we do not support Direct Debits, only Standing Orders)
  2. You can renew via Paypal (including any credit or debit card), by using the online form here. (Should you have previously sent your renewal at the old rate of £20/£27.50, you can also use this form to top up to the current rates). DO NOT try to send a Paypal payment direct to an e-mail address - we can only accept Paypal payments through our payment forms.
  3. You can alternatively pay by card via Nochex here.
  4. You can pay by cheque, sent through the post to the Membership Secretary, using this form.
  5. You can pay by direct bank transfer (Internet banking) - details are provided here.
  6. You can also pay by cheque or cash at the Society's AGM.

Gift Aid can significantly increase the value of your subscription to us, or any donations you make, so please consider completing the Gift Aid declaration