Paying by PayPal
Checkout consists of 7 steps:
1. Adding options for Discounts or Gift Vouchers
2. Confirming Billing Address - click continue if address shown is OK.
3. Confirming Delivery Address (for physical products like CDs) - click continue if address shown is OK.
4. Confirming the delivery method (often only one is possible)
5. Confirming Payment Method (As well as Paypal, we offer NoChex for orders of £1 or more - but you must also click the Terms & Conditions box. Ignore any references to weights in step 5 & 6 - these are nominal)
6. Confirming the Order - click Continue to be taken to the Paypal website.
The first PayPal page will look like this:-
If you have a Paypal account then enter your e-mail address & password and click Log-in, or to pay by card, just click Check Out as a Guest.
If you click log-in, you should be taken to a screen where you confirm where the money is to come from, that is, any Paypal balance you may have, or your nominated bank account. After payment, you will be returned to the GERS website.
If you choose to pay by card (Check out as a Guest) rather than a Paypal account, then the form looks like this:-
Fill in your card details, billing address, a phone number (select mobile or home), your e-mail address, then click the 'No Thanks' button (don't create a Paypal account). You will then need to agree the Paypal Privacy Policy by clicking a box, before clicking on the Pay Now button. [The Privacy Policy is quite OK, it just says, as with any bank, that they are required to share certain details with agencies working to avoid money laundering. Otherwise, they do not share your information. Trust us!]
If for some reason your payment did not work, your item(s) will still be in your Shopping Cart, so you don't need to restart the whole buying process again, just go straight to checkout and repeat the payment process. If you do restart the whole buying process, then you will end up with double the number of items in your Cart and you must adjust the number before proceeding. Advice on this can be found at 'Shopping Cart Help' in the box at the bottom of the sales pages.