For enthusiasts, researchers and modellers of the Great Eastern Railway

2017 Half Yearly Meeting

THE HALF YEARLY MEETING of the GERS will be on Saturday 21st October 2017, in the Waterfront Building, University Campus Suffolk, 19 Neptune Quay, Fore Street, Ipswich, Suffolk. IP4 1QJ

The planned programme (subject to confirmation) is as follows:

09.00 Hall opens for setting up.

10.00 Meeting opens. Time to buy your raffle tickets, GERS sales items, second hand magazines/ books/ videos etc.

10.55 Chairman opens meeting.

11.00 Talk by Paul Ager, Divisional Port Manager, entitled ‘ABP in the East of England, helping trade happen – The Port of Ipswich’.

12.00 Lunch break. Sales stands open, Buy your raffle tickets.

13.15 Society announcements followed by the presentation of the 2016 Harry Jones Award.

13.30 Presentation by Andrew Everett on ‘Sancton Wood 1815 – 1886, Architect of Ipswich Station’.

14.30 Refreshment Break.

14.50 Raffle draw

15.00 Talk by the Chair of Trustees of Ipswich Transport Museum, Chris Turland, entitled ‘Made in Ipswich’.

16.00 Final circulation and clearing up.




Ingatestone dep. 8. 26 8. 50 9. 06

Chelmsford dep. 8. 34 8. 59 9. 14

Colchester dep. 9. 04 9. 23 9. 48

Ipswich arr. 9 .25 9. 43 10. 07

Norwich dep. 8. 00 8. 30 9. 00 9. 30

Ipswich arr. 8. 41 9. 08 9. 41 10. 08

Ely dep. 8. 32

Ipswich arr. 9. 28

Cambridge dep. 8. 01 8. 44

Ipswich arr. 9. 28 10. 02

For a bus to the venue please look at our website nearer the time.

Alternatively if you would like a 15 minute walk then turn right out of the station and walk along Burrell Road turning left at the end of the road. Walk over the River Orwell keeping right and then follow the riverside walk past the old Custom House to the UCS building.

There is Engineering Work between Liverpool Street and Ingatestone. If you are coming from London then travel to Newbury Park and catch the connecting coaches to Ingatestone. Allow plenty of time and consult Journey Planner. There is also Engineering Work affecting trains into Norwich from the east. Check for details.

There is a Free Car park opposite the venue.


Any member who wishes to use a sales tables, please contact Rodger Green There is a small charge for members selling items for their own profit.