For enthusiasts, researchers and modellers of the Great Eastern Railway

2016 AGM

43rd Annual General Meeting of the GERS


THE 43rd AGM of the GERS will be held at 13.30 on Saturday 19th March 2016 at the Brentwood Theatre, Shenfield Road, Brentwood, Essex and we hope as many members as possible will attend the full programme from 10.00.

Nominations for the posts of Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer plus the four other members of the Executive Committee must be made in writing and received by the Secretary before 5th March 2016.

The planned programme for the day is as follows:

09.30 Meeting opens, time to buy GERS sales items, second hand books/ magazines/ videos and ephemera.

10.25 Our Chairman opens the meeting.

10.30 Presentation by Chris Green ‘The InterCity story’.

12.00 Lunch Interval. All sales stands open, refreshment and sale of raffle tickets.

13.15 Society Announcements followed by the 43rd AGM.


1. Apologies for absence.

2. Minutes of the 42nd AGM held on 21st March 2015.

3. Matters arising.

4. Secretary’s Report

5. Treasurer’s Report.

6. Chairman’s Statement.

7. Election of Officers.

8. Election of Executive Committee.

9. Appointment of Independent Examiner.

10 Any Other Business at the discretion of the Chairman.

14.00 Our President’s statement.

14.05 Presentation by Rodger Green – ‘Scrap Paper Part 2’.

14.45 Refreshment break followed by the Raffle Draw.

15.15 Presentation by Mike Stanbury – ‘Aspects of Railway Preservation’.

16.15 Final circulation.

16.45 Meeting closes.


Tea, coffee, & biscuits will be available during the day, second hand books/ videos/ DVDs/ magazines and GER paperwork will be on sale and Barry Jackson will be selling and taking orders for items from the GERS Sales List.

Brentwood Theatre is located behind “The Hermitage” on Shenfield Road, 90 yards from Wilson’s Corner roundabout. Their car park is not usually available for theatre users. Members with sales/ display material or elderly/ infirm colleagues can gain access on arrival at the barrier. Vehicles enter a gateway alongside The Hermitage.

There are various car parks; plus on-street parking in Sawyers Hall Lane. The Council Office car park in Ingrave Road is NO LONGER a free Saturday shopper’s car park. The North Road car park is about eight minutes walk from the theatre but is a pay car park. Do not park in Sainsbury’s Car Park

Public transport: The nearest railway station is Brentwood, with a healthy walk uphill to the venue. There are many bus routes to the High Street, Wilson Corner end. (As at January 2016).

From Brentwood Station. 9, 21, 73, 81, 351 or 565

From Shenfield Station. Ensign Bus 81 (0906)

From Basildon Bus Station. First in Essex 9 (0825 or 0855)

From Billericay Station. First in Essex 9 (0906 or 0936)

From Romford Station. Blue Triangle 498 (0836 0856 or 0915)

From Harlow Bus Station. Townlink 21 (0800 or 0900)

From Epping Station. Townlink 21 (0829 or 0929)

From Chelmsford Station. First in Essex 351 (0835 or 0905)

According to Network Rail’s Website there is major engineering work between Liverpool Street and Ingatestone/ Southend Victoria/ Southminster with buses replacing trains from Newbury Park. Also affected is TFL’s Metro service to Shenfield.

IMPORTANT . Before travelling by train check Network Rail and TfL websites for Engineering Work affecting your journey that will involve bus replacement services.

Any GERS member who wishes to use a display/ sales table, or if you have any questions regarding getting to the venue (bus times/ car park fees etc) please contact the Meetings Organiser email .