LM046 Good Firing Techniques, BR 1956
NEW MAY 2018. This is a pocket-sized 32-page booklet entitled 'Good Firemanship'. It has card covers, and use is made of colour. It was produced by British Railways in 1956 with their reference BR.33048, presumably for issue to all their firemen.
The purpose was to describe and encourage good firing techniques. The booklet includes sections on the how and why of firing, and on the when and where of firing. It concludes with the findings of scientic tests on good and bad methods of stoking, and gives warnings about blowbacks and smoke nuisance.
The file has bookmarks to the main sections. It will be available to download as soon as payment has been made. You go to your account and click on ‘Downloads’. New customers create an account as they place their order.
File | |
Pages | 32 |
File Size (MB) | 5.4 |
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